I am the owner of Oh Wow, Lovely! (OWL!) hiihihihiihih

Saturday, November 26, 2011

1 Muharram Detik Permulaan

Salam Maal Hijrah Alls!

I was such an ignorant servant! I totally forgot that yesterday was the day, the opportunity, the chance to everyone of us to actually baca doa akhir tahun! What a waste! SIGH! Pastu baru mandi wajib this morning. Tu la semalam taknak mandi kan. Sebab tu tak alert. Sebab takleh solat kan.. This is one of my bad habit. Suka postpone mandi wajib. *kesal*

Sempena Maal Hijrah ni, ada banyak benda nak diperbaiki. Mohon doa kepada Allah SWT banyak supaya ditetapkan hati, istiqamah, ke jalan kebaikan.

Dan sempena penghijrahan diri, saya mahu maafkan semua orang yang pernah menyakiti diri ini. Tak kira lah, physically, mentally, or emotionally. I wish I could forgive that one person. May Allah open my heart to forgive that one person sincerely.

Dan akan perbaiki diri supaya menjadi insan yang lebih rajin, tak degil, dengar kata, bermotivasi, networking baik punye dengan semua orang, supaya orang suka dan sayang kat i. Hahah. Its not easy to please everyone okay...

Okaylah. Dah boleh set azam baru la kot kan? my 2011 wishlists tinggal nak pergi Singapore, nak beli Himalaya Haircare dan beli jam Baby-G. Tapi rasenye all these 3 things left in my wishlists are not that important anymore. Bawak pergi tahun depan lah kot? Hihih. I was supposed to go to Spore this December to celebrate Ain's Bridal Shower. Tapi i totally forgot that I have to renew my passport. SIGH. Dah la gaji kena hold. Nampaknye memang tak dapat kot pergi...

azam tahun depan adalah satu sahaja: to be focus in my business and make a lot lot lotsssaa moneyhhhh! I hope Ajay is serious when he mentioned that he wants me to help him sell the products frm Bandung here. WOOOT! CANT WAITT! and also my wedding planner business. cewah kemain. but seriously. need to focus! :D

Doakan i uolss! :)


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

D.I.Y Engagement Goodie bags for Mamat!

This is a last minute work. Less than a week to finish all 200 packets. Kau memang Mat!

The theme is random. Themeless. Asalkan cute. hehe

Buntings inspire! Yey!

Bila dah isi benda macam tu la bentuk diaa

Assorted decoration on the goodie bags for my beloved sista! I hope u like it sis. I didnt have much time to buat beriye kau bg pun last minute! Chait! Yang penting kena belanja aku sedap2. This is worth rm100 ok! :p (hint nk makan las vacas sbb aku tak penah rase hihih)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Someone Like Alex Goot!

Freakkin love this nerd fella!!! Alex Goot, I wish u were my boifie in the other dimension. :P

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I wear Pario on my head!

Yey! I love those 2 parios i bought in Penang!! RM10 each! So cheap and very multipurpose type of cloth! I can wear them as pario (well, duhh) and also as shawl! Not only that, i could use it as table runner or simply throw on the sofa! And paling best boleh jadi decoration on the wall! It is so cheap i wish i cud buy more!!! it was on sale! sighhhhh.

ps. shazu, ko nak pegi penang kan? ko hadiahkan lah aku satu lagi pario :p hihiihh :p

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Taufiq and Umie Arabian Wedding Theme! Ya Fahri! :p

Paling esaited jumpe senior-senior yang bertahun tak jumpe!
This, is my Master Hadi. I was his little Panda. haha
With the Groom and Bride
Semua pakat pakai kaftan

Semua-semua tu budak-budak media prima. I tersesat hihih.
My brother, Muazzalaluddin ahahha! Dah macam Aladdin dah dia! Emcee for the night! sambil tu package dengan karoke skali, kemain.
Pak Arab dan Mak Arab hahaa

Kak Izza suruh delete gambar ni sebab dia kata dia sangat kembang! Hihihih

Pelamin. Amek barakah :p

Me, crazy gf and fashionista sis :p

Kak Phen, from Fuhh, Kak Izza frm Melodi, and Shaza from Jalan-jalan Cari Makan.

Shazukkrr and Airinrarynn
sempat je nak camwhore pakai S2 Shaza hiihiii
Yang menyelit keat belakang tu ialah Abang Long Chik aka Achik. :P

So we spent the night at the wedding then afterwards went to Shaza's. Sleepover! Lama tak merempat rumah dia! hihih. Semua gara-gara si mamat yang memberi arahan untuk siapkan goodie bag pertunangan dia minggu depan. So buat sampai terlelapsss uols! Awas kau mat kalau tak belanja kitorang makan sedaps2! :p

Friday, November 18, 2011

Can i have this please baby????

Attention!!! I really want to keeep this cute lil owl!!!! Please let me know if u find this anywhere! nak pergi hunt! HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!

How to make up with an angry girlfriends :p

MANNN!! this is sooo funny! Attention to all boifriends, if u act like this when your girl is angry, she will either laugh, tak jadi nak marah or she will hit you on the head with her handbag! hahaha! But the effort that matters kan! Do not ignore your girl when she is angry!


Last wednesday, me and my crazy gf, Shaza dengan tidak sengaja mahu ke The Curve untuk bertemu dengan Zee Avi!

There was not so many people, as we expected. Sebab namapun weekdays kan. Walaupun begitew, sangat impressive sebab peminat Zee bukan je orang melayu, cina dan india, malah ada mat salleh jugak datang uols! Ada juga mak mak yang bawak anak kecil mereka. So sweet kan? Kalau zaman i dulu, memang takde maknenye la momipoko nak bawak jumpe artis kesayangan kan! hihiih

Nway, the story is quite funny. we actually thot zee is goin to do a small showcase at Rock Corner. So i was so excited at first lah kan sebab memang suka kot Zee perform and dah lama gila tak watch her live! Ended up rupanya malam tu cuma sesi tandatangan dan bergambar sahaja. Tapi itu bukan menjadi persoalan ye kawan-kawan. Yang jadi persoalan dan permasalahnnya ialah, hanya orang yang beli cd je dapat tandatangan dan bergambar dengan Zee. Dan permasalahan sebenarnye ialah tengah bulan kot. Mana ada gaji baiiii. Jadi, i dengan Shaza ambil keputusan beli je lahhh dah alang2 datang kan. Tapi duit Shaza lerrr. hihiihhi. Mampus dia membebel tak pasal-pasal rm44 gone! Tapi sebab fikir-fikir balik, this album is worth to buy pun kan so Shaza pun redhaa bang.. Lepas dah beli tu entitle ntuk lucky draw pulak! Dapat pulak tix worth rm98 uolss! Tapi permasalahan lagi satu ialah tiket dia satu je. I macam mana uols? Nak beli memang tak la rm98 kott. Dalam atm pon tak lepas bai hahaha! Shaza yang gundah gelana sebab taktau nk pergi dengan siape akhirnya nekad nk jual je tix tu for rm40. Kiranya cover balik lah duit cd tu! Dan memang lucky sebab ade mamat ni nak beli! Yahu! tidak sia-sia malam ini! Hihihih :p

Yey! Tercapai matlamat malam tu bergambar with the lovely Zee Avi!

rm44 uols. limited editon. kekeekekek :p

Yay siap otograf! Hehehe

enjoy the acoustic basking version, lovin this!

Monday, November 14, 2011

And made me happy, baby, love is crazy, So amazing, but it's changing, rearranging, I don't think I can take anymore

homaigatttttt!! cant wait for her new album release!! ive always loved Jojo! My fav track of her is "Keep Forgettin" I am still listening to it and had it in my mix cd in my car! Now that she makes a comeback, i am so thrill!!!! I think she is beautiful, sweet and talented female artist but never get so much exposure in the mainstream. Say goodbye to Selana Gomez baby! :p

ps: 0:16 l love the guy when he covers his face with pillow!! so cuteeeee :p

outstation to Penang yaww!

Waktu ni berada dia atas jambatan Pulau Mutiara

Dimulakan hari ke Penang dengan camwhore dalam kereta sambil pegang teddy bear sebab i tak drive uols. Dedipoko hantar pegi opis! Mahu roadtrip bersama fellow colleague!

Muka esaited lah kan pegi Penang ditanggung kos perbelanjaan kan! :p

Boring lak dalam Xtrail. Eh. Bawa bantal bucuk. Layannnn :p

Ini Effa. Hot mama :p

Malam tu pergi Nite Market kat Feringghi. And look what i just bought! I superloveeee this!!! Kat Sg Wang mahal kot brand ni. Ntah pesal ntah. N i got it really cheaapppp!! rm15! Boleh isi mekap yang tak seberapa itewwww :p

Ini bosan namanya.

Lagi sekali bosan, Tade duit. Jadi, kami bosan.
Duduk melepak je la kat Padang Kota. Makan kacang rebus sambil dok kat tembok ngadap laut. Angin sepoi-sepoi. Rempit bersepah. Siap nak mengorat kitorang. Siap jakun tengok gigi i ade besi. pfffft.

Anddddddd i loveeee my lugggaageeeee! Hihih. Akhirnya rasmikan pakai untuk ke Penang! Sape nak tau, beg ni harge dia rm10 je uolsss! Sila cari kat Jalan Tar :)

Me at the booth. Workeeyyyynnnggg!

Macam esaited kan muka i?

Okey sebagai penutup outstation ni, Kitorg singgah pergi beli Jeruk kat Chowrasta. Lepastu saje je la jalan-jalan along the street. Ade plak kedai Pakistan. I ni kan perasan Arab mix Bollywood, lalu esaited masuk kedai walaupun dulu dah pernah masuk, memang mahal. Tapi ade clearance sale plak!!! Aduhhh meroyan gua tengok pario dan seluar batik rm10 je kann! Pastu seluar arabian pun bapak murah rm30 je kot! frm rm52! Saje je la tanye boleh pakai kedit kad ke wpon bajet tak boleh sbb ye lah kedai tepi jalan je pun. Sekali boleh woihh! Meroyan ke tidak uolsss!?!?! Dengan segera aku tunjuk itu ini. Sekali ngan effa2 aku suruh angkat je pape nnti lu bayar la cukup bulan kan! :p

Ok, itu je. Bye!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy Thing!

My first attemp sewing Buntings! Yay!!! Colorful buntings always make me happy!

First attemp was ok, not that neat. I think i need to buy zig zag cutter for easier cloth cutting! But i dont know where to buy! help me!! anyone?

So i wont be sewing headbands anymore. Only for certain occasion like flowergirl headbands for weddings.

What i have in mind are to start with simple sewing like buntings, pillow cover, curtain and a simple long skirt for me :) hihihih.

I will be selling this bunting for a start! Nak cari duit poket lebih oi.... hihi.

If anyone interested to order, kira dia macam ni ye kawan2:

1 set bunting = 8 triangle flags = rm25

cepat cepat order! ni harge promotion ye! :p

so this is suitable for occasion such as:

bridal shower
baby shower
baby room decor
bedroom decor
wedding decor (photo booth/dessert table)
etc :p

So just tell me your theme, i will sew for you! Nak lagi senang, bagi kain anda sendiri :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


For showing me that my feelings are not important to u anymore.

Thanks a lot.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

Monday, November 7, 2011

sindrom perempuan dewasa nak bercinta

At my age, i think being in relationship is not a game or just for the sake of to be labeled as a girlfriend. At my age, as an adult, it is a serious matter and takes courage to commit. We have to risk our heart to be in love.

At my age, as a grown up woman, i think what i need is a man that can express and show me love. Who is actually brave enough to tell the world that i am his only one. Who is not ashame to hold my hand in front of his friends, to call me sweet nicknames in public. Or when im angry. Who is care enough to call me back as soon as he saw my miscalls. Who is gentle enough to take care of my fragile heart during pms.

Expressing 'i love u' at least once a day is enough to make a woman smile. To call her at work, or call her when u noe she is busy, annoy her when she is being fussy, randomly call her in the middle of a busy day just to tell her u love her, thats how women want to be treated. Not just typing the words 'i love u' on handphone or computer or tab screen messeging, whatsapping chit chatting and so on. Percintaan alam maya ni sooooo my teenage years lah. Adult wants real life love. Unlike teenagers who are excited even bercinta di alam maya. It wont excite me anymore. How about u?

When i see people around me, my friends and their partners. They are all seems very happy with each other. A friend who is married, she is still receiving calls like every hour frm her hubby asking common questions like where r u, what are u doin n etc. I adore and envy them so much. I think most of them are not having any communication problem. The most common problem i heard was the bf having affairs or the bf having scandal with his ex etc.

Hmm. Rasanya apa yang diperkatakan di atas semuanya bkn lah masalah untuk korang kan? Mesti bf korang sweeet dan manis2 je layan korang hari2 kan. Sweet talker pun mslh jugak. Tak sweet langsung pon masalah jugak. So how? Balance2 lah sikit. Bkn nk mintak sweet manja2 nak mati pun. Memadailah dgn yg basic2 kan? Kalau yg basic pon susah sangat, bayangkan dh kawen nnti. Nk panggil sayang sekarang pun susah, kalau nanti dh beranak pinak, rumah dah kacau bilau anak2 memekak buat sepah, mmg dh takde maknenye lah nk romantis.kan?

Smpai sini saja.

Salam pms. Dan marah dengan kehidupan.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

Friday, November 4, 2011

Bunting Craze!

These days, its like a trend to have triangle buntings for ocassions! I have to admit its super damn cute! Suitable for many ocassion such as birthday party, baby shower, bridal shower, cakes decoration, handmade cards, bedroom decoration (for kids and even adults!) and hell yeah, on weddings too!

I saw many crafters sell the buntings like the one at Wondermilk, but they sell it for unreasonable price! I think for like 6 to 8 pieces of triangles they sell it aroud rm50! I mean, it is ok for those who got a lot of money to spend on just bunting. And i thought, hey, i can sew this myself! Yeyy!

I am in love with this cake decor! i wish for this cake on my next birthday! *hinthint* >.<

I think this is just sweet and pure... awww... for the dessert table on your wedding!

This what i meant! for interior decor! I think its cuteee!

Okay, yang ni macam takde motif la bride and groom hold the bunting and kiss. I prefer they hang on the tree and kiss under the bungting! hihihi
another interior decor. more to vintage look.

This would obviously be in my sewing project plan!
My first customer is my dear friend, Shazu, who love things i love! ahahha! She asked me to make buntings for her room. Havent started yet cuz i have to finish up the ready stock first.

She even put her trust and hope on me to do her D.I.Y wedding next year! I cant wait! I get so excitedd easily when it comes to d.i.y project! hihiih!
I will make sure this little project of mine would be the bigggest success in my next year achievement! Gitew.. Semangat lebih ni. hihih.

All photos were not mine. Randomly save from the internet. Thanks for the inspiration!

D.I.Y wardrobe projects comin up! Erm. Maybe next year :)

Some of the upcoming sewing project that i have in mind!

Im so gonna make this!! But as a long sleeveless dress! yey!

and wear it with a long sleeve cardigan!

and not to forget, i am going to sew a lot lot lot of long skirt!!! beli kain murah2 sudehhhhh! :) gonna use the technique in this video! so simple!

Wish me luck! im so lazy to start!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

i want pizzzzaaa!

last nyte, me, shazu had dinner date with our long lost brotha, Kechik a.k.a Zamarul Hisyam. WKWKWK (MAMPUS)

Mula-mula tak tau nak makan kat mana. Decided to go to Pyramid since dah dekat ngn rumah Shazu, but ended up, pergi Pyramid beli tee rm9 je. Kedai makan sume dah close kitchen! Kechik, mohon maaf atas karenah adek-adek mu yang pantang nampak diskaun. Yelah. Gile tak. Tee 3pcs for RM50 boleh dapat dengan harga RM27 sahaja! sehelai rm9. Good deal kan? (alasan. padahal pokai ya amat)

Pastu last-last pergi makan kat Murni. As usual, ordered Pink Panther! Brain freeze ok! Dah la snowing kat luar tu! :p

Dan kali ini amat mengecewakan sebab Pepperoni pizza dia tak sedapppp!!! PEDESSSSSSSSSSSSS semacam! siap ada biji2 cili on the pizza!! Gile boleh kena apendix kot! SIGH~

But thanks to our brotha for the lovely time last nite! Cant wait for your wedding!