I am the owner of Oh Wow, Lovely! (OWL!) hiihihihiihih

Saturday, November 26, 2011

1 Muharram Detik Permulaan

Salam Maal Hijrah Alls!

I was such an ignorant servant! I totally forgot that yesterday was the day, the opportunity, the chance to everyone of us to actually baca doa akhir tahun! What a waste! SIGH! Pastu baru mandi wajib this morning. Tu la semalam taknak mandi kan. Sebab tu tak alert. Sebab takleh solat kan.. This is one of my bad habit. Suka postpone mandi wajib. *kesal*

Sempena Maal Hijrah ni, ada banyak benda nak diperbaiki. Mohon doa kepada Allah SWT banyak supaya ditetapkan hati, istiqamah, ke jalan kebaikan.

Dan sempena penghijrahan diri, saya mahu maafkan semua orang yang pernah menyakiti diri ini. Tak kira lah, physically, mentally, or emotionally. I wish I could forgive that one person. May Allah open my heart to forgive that one person sincerely.

Dan akan perbaiki diri supaya menjadi insan yang lebih rajin, tak degil, dengar kata, bermotivasi, networking baik punye dengan semua orang, supaya orang suka dan sayang kat i. Hahah. Its not easy to please everyone okay...

Okaylah. Dah boleh set azam baru la kot kan? my 2011 wishlists tinggal nak pergi Singapore, nak beli Himalaya Haircare dan beli jam Baby-G. Tapi rasenye all these 3 things left in my wishlists are not that important anymore. Bawak pergi tahun depan lah kot? Hihih. I was supposed to go to Spore this December to celebrate Ain's Bridal Shower. Tapi i totally forgot that I have to renew my passport. SIGH. Dah la gaji kena hold. Nampaknye memang tak dapat kot pergi...

azam tahun depan adalah satu sahaja: to be focus in my business and make a lot lot lotsssaa moneyhhhh! I hope Ajay is serious when he mentioned that he wants me to help him sell the products frm Bandung here. WOOOT! CANT WAITT! and also my wedding planner business. cewah kemain. but seriously. need to focus! :D

Doakan i uolss! :)
