ini hanya gambar hiasan yang menunjukkan colorful strips metaphore utk colorful rainbow spt tajuk entry i uolss! :p
What happened to me for the past months in unbelievable, unpredictable, and unexpected.
In last November, i jotted down my wish list for this year.
1. tukar kerja
2. business
3. OWL! name card
4. sew buntings
5. sew pillowcase
6. sew curtain
7. wedding decor
8. business with Ajay (my Bandung bf :p)
9. Macbook!
10.ASB loan
11. decor my bedroom/ workspace
12. craft tools
and when i look into my list today, i have acheived most of my wish lists! i just open an ASB account and make saving loan yesterday! (atas nasihat rakan) this was in my wish list last year, tapi belum ada kesempatan dan tidak stabil financially lagi..
so my no.1 wish nak tukar kerja sudah termakbul!! i will be leaving AEI soon! in less than 2 weeks! oh god. im gonna miss the free lunch! haha! i love working in AEI, BUT I HAVE TO!! for a better future! so i will be workin in Mont Kiara. quite far frm my house. but i just hope that this decision is the right path for me. i think it is. cuz all these while i kept praying and asking god to give me a better job, dan juga permudahkan jalan mencari rezeki. So ALHAMDULILLAH, I THINK ALLAH HAS ANSWERED MY PRAYERS!!
Same goes to my business. Oh Wow, Lovely! (OWL!) After almost a year of ups dan downs in my business, suddenly, after helping a friend for her engagement goodie bags, a lot of ppl started to ask me bout it! and i slowly introduce some of the decorations for small scale events and to my surprise, i received so many compliments! The biggest achievements were, i got to be featured in LISA Magazine! One page spread full color write up yaw!!! :D and after that, i got a call frm my sis Kak Izza, she said that her friend, wants to have me in a talk show "Assalamualaikum" on TV Al-Hijrah! ALHAMDULILLAH, ive got loads of response on FB! :D
at the moment, i am working on decoration for dessert table for wedding and engagement as well as for wedding decor for photobooth, and pelamin. Im so excited! mu first project will be this Saturday for Syikin's engagement! I hope she'll love my decor! and also a photobooth project for Chez's wedding next month! so excited! dan beberapa lagi hingga bulan Jun! akan jadi sangat buzy!! but ALHAMDULILLAH, once again :)
i have invested quite a lot for my craft tools. Theyre not cheap ok!! i have bought 2 rotary cutter, pinking shears, wooden stamp, Martha Stewart score board, cutting pad, and soon gonna buy my dream Big Shot dies cut machine!! Dengan bantuan Encik Jabirun saya yippie! cant wait!!!! :D
dan impian yang paling utama ialah untuk membeli Macbook! AMAGGADDD DROOOOLINGGGGG PLSSSSSSSSSSS!! hahaha! i really need a laptop. but alang2 nk beli, i nak la macbook kan!!! heheh. gedik. padahal pakai je la brand biase2 kan! ngade je! :p tp this is for my own satisfaction! hehehe.
so far, ive been listing my wishes since 2010. and it really works for me!! so i just pray that this will be good to me :) 2012 PLS ROCK MY WORLD!
till then,