My first attemp sewing Buntings! Yay!!! Colorful buntings always make me happy!
First attemp was ok, not that neat. I think i need to buy zig zag cutter for easier cloth cutting! But i dont know where to buy! help me!! anyone?
So i wont be sewing headbands anymore. Only for certain occasion like flowergirl headbands for weddings.
What i have in mind are to start with simple sewing like buntings, pillow cover, curtain and a simple long skirt for me :) hihihih.
I will be selling this bunting for a start! Nak cari duit poket lebih oi.... hihi.
If anyone interested to order, kira dia macam ni ye kawan2:
1 set bunting = 8 triangle flags = rm25
cepat cepat order! ni harge promotion ye! :p
so this is suitable for occasion such as:
bridal shower
baby shower
baby room decor
bedroom decor
wedding decor (photo booth/dessert table)
etc :p
So just tell me your theme, i will sew for you! Nak lagi senang, bagi kain anda sendiri :)
airien, xnak belajar jahit dress ke..my friend belajar dr yasalma 1 session je dah boleh amek upah jahit dress dah skang.. simple je katanya tapi cantik
ReplyDeletetu laaa. ade dlm plan jugak. tp one by one la kot hihihi. thanks for your suggeston darlingg!
ReplyDeletekat ikea ade gunting pinking shear tu, rm25 satu..p la beli nnt dh pakai gtaw best ke tak eh..
ReplyDeleteklau best nk beli gak..haha..
ye ke? nanti nak p cari lah!! nnti i kasi update ye! thanks deariee!
ReplyDeletedear,postage pulak mcm mane?
ReplyDeletefyi, it's so niceeee :)
helo aziera. postage add rm7 ye lovely!
ReplyDeleteps. it is!! indeed! was thinkin to decorate my room w loads of buntings :)
n sorry harga satu set is rm25. salah quote sorry!!